Practicing at the Post Office

Yesterday, I went to the post office not thinking at all about the approaching Christmas holiday. It was a Saturday as well, to add further insult to injury. The length of the line was such that when I first joined, I had to stand outside. I did a rough count and determined the line was around 30 people deep. I estimated that it might take me an hour to reach the counter, especially considering we were all being helped by only one postal clerk on duty.

I took a few moments and considered my options, then consciously chose to stay put and commit myself to upping my mindfulness practice energy. Not only did I make this choice in order to support the quality of my own experience, but I also wanted to be a good member of my new waiting-in-line sangha. One that could perhaps energetically transmit friendliness and ease. Or at the very least, not add more gas to the fire. 

It’s worth mentioning here that I really dislike standing in lines. Just, like, in general. Not only is standing physically difficult for me, due to a chronic nerve condition I live with, but it is mentally difficult as well. I’m not sure what it is exactly, but I’m really not a big fan. I think it has something to do with the speed and efficiency I like to have when doing errands. Lines are the killjoy to my preferred rate of getting things done. While I have a lot of patience for certain things, I have very little when it comes to standing in line. 

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