Be Here Now Turns 21

White Elephant gift exchange @BHN, December 2022

A poetic telling

21-years and here we are. If our group was a person, we could legally drink but would choose not to. 

If our group was the sea, I could say I’ve spent most of my adult life sailing its surface and swimming in its depths. And I could say I had only touched a miniscule portion of its offerings. 

If our group was a well-crafted loaf of artisan bread, I would say I was simply the shopper who pulled together the necessary ingredients, borrowed from other hands. The making & baking was the work of all of us. 

But enough about comparisons. What I most want to convey is this. The quiet work of anything great depends on two things that tend to confuse & scare: commitment & discipline. 

Thankfully, our group, our sangha, Be Here Now, has both. A commitment to meeting every Monday night, whether snow, summer, holiday or pandemic. And the discipline of tethering with purpose, joy & ease to tradition, format, sound teachings, and practice.

Okay. Back to comparisons. If our group was an orchestra, I’d be the gal who spread the word, showed up early to set the stage, and ensured everyone had a sitting place. Instrumental is the role of organizer, but the magic comes from the people. And the conductor? It might be the momentum generated by everything that’s ever happened. It might be the whole of all of us combined. 


A practical telling

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